Use whatever tools you desire
ACEO stands for Art Card Edition Original, they are the standard playing card size of 2.5 x 3.5 inches. You don't need expensive tools to work on these, this pallete of guaoche watercolors was $2.oo at a craft store.
Lay in some medium tones
This is the first of the ACEO cards I am working on...I like to use Bamboo paper, because it so easily sustainable and I tend to lay in some of the medium and darkest bits first to help balance where the dark areas need to be.
Layer in more color
I tried multiple layers of simple washes on each anemone tentacle then I tried a light green wash, but I will need to lift some of the color by wetting the spot and blotting with a paper towel. You can actually erase some colors this way, but you should use a resist if you want to protect the pure white of the paper.